

The GRAEFF Winter Solstice Festival Kicks Off, Warming Hearts Throughout the Chilly Season




小年,恰似旧岁的温柔告别,更是新春的活力开篇。它承载着大家对往昔一年的感恩,满怀着对来年的憧憬与期盼。在这特别的日子里,家家户户虔诚祭灶神,盼望着新的一年生活似蜜甜、诸事皆如意,恰似GRAEFF(格拉夫)始终坚守对品质的严苛追求,一心只为给诸位呈上臻于完美的产品与服务,助力每一位客户踏上事业、生活的 “康庄大道”,畅享无忧。

The sweet melon is sticky, the New Year is burning, the off-year song has been played, and GRAEFF will accompany you to welcome the warm prelude to the Year of the snake! At this moment, the streets are decorated, the festive atmosphere is more and more intense, and the beautiful atmosphere of reunion is distributed everywhere, as if announcing the approach of the year to the world.

Young year, just like the tender farewell of the old year, but also the vitality of the New Year. It carries everyone's gratitude for the past year and is full of expectations and expectations for the coming year. On this special day, every family reverently worths the kitchen God, looking forward to a New Year's life like honey sweet, everything goes well, just like GRAEFF has always adhered to the strict pursuit of quality, dedicated to give you the perfect products and services, to help every customer set foot on the career, life of the "grand road", enjoy the worry.

回首过往点滴,GRAEFF(格拉夫)由衷感恩每一位携手同行、助力成长的您,是你们的信赖与支持,给予我们披荆斩棘、勇往直前的力量。展望未来征途,新的一年,GRAEFF(格拉夫)将揣着赤诚之心与昂扬斗志,持续深耕创新领域,为您匠心打造更多卓越、前沿的解决方案,伴您一路 “蛇” 彩前行。


Looking back on the past, GRAEFF sincerely appreciates every one of you who walks hand in hand and helps you grow, is your trust and support, and gives us the strength to go forward. Looking forward to the future journey, in the New Year, GRAEFF will continue to deepen the field of innovation with sincere heart and high morale, create more excellent and cutting-edge solutions for you, and accompany you all the way forward.

In this happy off-year, GRAEFF sincerely wishes everyone a family reunion, happiness forever, may you take the joy of the off-year, strut toward the New Year of the snake, and grasp the auspicious and fruitful journey!